16 Junior Web Developer Portfolio Examples

Here are several Junior Developer portfolio websites for you to get inspiration from.

A portfolio or personal page is an important asset to have for a Junior Developer. But I see a lot of people putting together a site that rigidly follows a cliché design when it really doesn’t have to. I thought it would be useful therefore to gather a list of Junior Developer portfolio sites for you to take a shifty at so you can get some inspiration for your own portfolio site. Most of these examples are from developers who have successfully gained employment and have developed a portfolio site that is simple and effective.

Exclusive bonus: Download the guide to find out what employers are really looking for in a Junior Web Developer Portfolio.

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Junior Web Developer Portfolio Examples

Caitlín Sweeney

Caitlin Sweeney PortfolioCaitlin Sweeney Portfolio First in our list of junior web developer portfolio examples is Caitlín Sweeney. Caitlín’s site has lots of great things going for it but I particularly like the dynamic portfolio section which can be filtered to show specific types of work (this is the Masonry library). This is a great little feature to incorporate if you have several different types of projects to add to your portfolio.

Mario Sanchez

Mario Sanchez PortfolioMario Sanchez Portfolio Next up is Mario Sanchez. Mario’s site is a great example of breaking away from the general portfolio feel that is repeated so many times. Yes, there is a list of skills and projects that he has worked on. Contact information is there too but it’s not presented with a big hero image, screenshots of projects in boxes and a sticky menu. If you’re worried that you need to create something massively flashy for your portfolio, then take a look at Mario’s site and see how simple can be better.

Lilly Piri

Lilly Piri PortfolioLilly Piri Portfolio Next up in our list of junior web developer portfolio examples is Lilly Piri. Lilly’s site is more focused around the design work which she so elegantly does. But it has a fresh layout which could definitely be of inspiration to you especially if you have lots of graphical elements you want to show off.

Georgie McDaniel

Georgie McDaniel PortfolioGeorgie McDaniel Portfolio Georgie’s portfolio site has a great avatar image and a pithy explanation of who she is and what she does. There are many great example projects to list on her site but she’s employed a clever technique to switch between personal and professional work which is great to allow potential employers to browse. The clean design of the site lets recruiters and employers find all the relevant information about Georgie’s work easily.

Ian Duke

Ian Duke PortfolioIan Duke Portfolio The intro to Ian’s site is great, simple, clean and explaining exactly who he is. I like the way Ian has also included his work experience on the site to also make it feel like a resume / C.V. as well as providing examples of work in his portfolio.

Zara Syversen

Zara Syversen PortfolioZara Syversen Portfolio *Update: *It looks like Zara’s site is now offline but hopefully the above image gives a bit of an idea of what it did look like! Zara has gone for a simple display of some of the projects she’s created with links to live examples. I like the contrasting use of colours in the hero section of the page and the way she’s focused on her work and provided a way for recruiters / employers to be able to browse the live projects.

Ryan Ferguson

Ryan Ferguson PortfolioRyan Ferguson Portfolio One of the biggest obstacles you may have when putting together your portfolio is coming up with content for it. Whether it’s a list of projects, skills or blog articles it can be difficult to pull all this together. Ryan’s site is awesome example of how you can put together a nice little personal site with little content. All the links to Ryan’s social profiles are present (you can even see where he likes to drink coffee!) and there’s a handy link to his GitHub profile.

Dean Palm

Dean Palm PortfolioDean Palm Portfolio There’s a couple of issues with Dean’s site in terms of loading scripts insecurely and it’s missing his details on it but it has a nice layout and has a nice pop-up gallery of his projects and also a contact form which isn’t necessarily present on most portfolio sites. So the hero image might not be to everyone’s taste and it might not be quite so obvious whose this portfolio is at first glance but there are some good design elements you can take away from Dean’s portfolio.

Yann Hulot

Yann Hulot PortfolioYann Hulot Portfolio Yann’s got a more blog-style portfolio site and it hasn’t been updated since 2016. However I like this great approach to document your learning journey, especially if you don’t have lots of projects to showcase. He does also have a portfolio section demonstrating his Free Code Camp projects.

Julia Ryan

Julia Ryan PortfolioJulia Ryan Portfolio If you’re looking for a well styled, effective portfolio then check out Julia’s addition to our list of junior web developer portfolio examples. A fresh layout and very uniform feel to the site makes the site really powerful. I like the way she has overlayed the same background colour to her project images so they blend in nicely.

Victor Afanassieff

Victor Afanassieff PortfolioVictor Afanassieff Portfolio I like the big, well fitted image at the top of Victor’s portfolio page. Although slightly cliche this layout is effective and works well in terms of giving the relevant information to recruiters / employers. I think the navigation used is really effective and the education and work experience is nicely laid out.

Kim MinSu

Kim Minsu PortfolioKim Minsu Portfolio Although Kim doesn’t have any projects, the portfolio page is quite effective and conveys where they are at with their education and learning. The sidebar navigation is effective and allows easy access to social contacts and GitHub projects.

Nikolai Krylov

Nikolai Krylov PortfolioNikolai Krylov Portfolio I Google Translated Nikolai’s page to English. Moving us through our list of junior web developer portfolio examples is a different feel from Nikolai Krylov. I love Nikolai’s usage of flat icons to create a flowing feel to the site coupled with some great examples of his work. There is quite a lot of use of animations on the site but they really add to the feel of the site rather than detracting from the portfolio.

Joey de Vries

Joey Devries PortfolioJoey Devries Portfolio There are a couple of things worth mentioning on Joey’s portfolio site. He has a ‘progress bar’ style skills list which is quite an effective way of giving an overview of your strengths to recruiters / employers. Also there is a ‘store’ section on the site which has a link to a ‘pay what you want’ Bootstrap theme. I think this is a great way to both build a portfolio (by creating the themes) and by creating some authority by giving them away or selling them.

Kaloyan Dragiev

Kaloyan Dragiev PortfolioKaloyan Dragiev Portfolio Kaloyan’s site has a great hero section although it does start to go a bit 1990’s web design the further you go down. One of the things I really like is the button provided to download his resume - handy for recruiters and employers for them to come back to later on.

Hayri Özbülbül

Hayri Özbülbül PortfolioHayri Özbülbül Portfolio The final example in our list of junior web developer portfolio examples is Hayri Özbülbül. The portfolio site for Hayri makes good use of fixed background images to create a parralax-esque sort of feel. The one thing that stands out for me however is the use of typography. The name in the hero section really seems to pop out when the page loads.

Exclusive bonus: Download the guide to find out what employers are really looking for in a Junior Web Developer Portfolio.

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jQuery(function () { jQuery(‘#portfolio_tips_btm’).submit(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery(‘#portfolio_tips_btm’).fadeOut(function () { jQuery(‘#result-btm’).fadeIn(); }); // Show success var data = jQuery(‘#portfolio_tips_btm’).serialize(); jQuery.post(‘https://www.juniordevelopercentral.com/receive.php', data); }); jQuery(‘#portfolio_tips_btm-optin-open’).on(‘click’, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery(‘#portfolio_tips_btm-optin’).modal({ fadeDuration: 100 }); }); });


There’s plenty of inspiration you can take from the above portfolio sites. Some excel in design and appearance whereas others have some unique ways to display content. Hopefully you can see that there’s no need to stick to a formula or template when putting together your portfolio site and breaking away from a standard layout won’t detract from your work. Mix it up a bit. It will allow you to not feel confined when creating your portfolio. Do you have a good idea to add something to a Junior Web Developer Portfolio? Share it in the comments below.